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Spring Cleaning Your Business. Yes that’s a thing!

May 24, 2023

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As we are speeding into summer, lets check one more thing off the spring cleaning to do list. Your business! Spring is the perfect time to give your business a thorough cleaning. Just like your home, your business needs to be decluttered and organized to improve productivity and efficiency.

Here are some tips and strategies to help you spring clean your business:

1. Declutter Your Workspace

Start by decluttering your workspace. If you’re like me and clutter makes you feel like you can’t breathe, this one is for you! Get rid of any unnecessary items that are taking up space and causing distraction. This includes old paperwork, broken equipment, and anything else that is no longer needed. A clean and organized workspace can improve focus and productivity. Be free from distractions! Except the cat, of course.

2. Review Your Finances

Spring is a good time to review your finances and make any necessary adjustments. Review your expenses and income, and look for ways to cut costs or increase revenue. This can help you improve your bottom line and prepare for the rest of the year. As business owners, it is important to control the things we can. We can’t control the natural lulls in business. But, we can control how well we manage our money to protect us during those lulls.

3. Update Your Marketing Strategy

Take a look at your marketing strategy and make any necessary updates. Review your website, social media profiles, and advertising campaigns. Look for ways to improve your messaging and reach your target audience more effectively. Marketing very often feels like yelling into the void. Getting your business noticed through all the noise online is not an easy task. That is where I come in. Let me know if I can help!

4. Streamline Your Processes

Ooooh ya! This is the good stuff right here! Streamlining your process improves your efficiency and adds more hours to your day. A precious commodity as a business owner. Look for ways to automate tasks and eliminate unnecessary steps. This can help you save time and reduce errors, which can improve productivity and profitability. Have a CRM that allows for automated work flows? Get those puppies polished up and running. They are a huge time saver for you and provide needed touchpoints for your clients.

5. Clean Up Your Digital Presence

Review your digital presence and clean up any outdated or irrelevant information. This includes your website, social media profiles, and online directories. Make sure your information is accurate and up-to-date, and remove any information that is no longer relevant. Check out your Google listing. Is it correct? Take a look at your Instagram and Facebook pages. Are there old posts for sales that are no longer running? Services you no longer offer? Delete those posts and only keep up posts you’d consider evergreen and timeless.

6. Plan for the Future

Goal setting isn’t just for the new year! Use spring cleaning as an opportunity to plan for the future. Check in on the progress of goals you set at the begging of the year. If needed, set goals and objectives for the rest of the year, and develop a plan to achieve them. This can help you stay focused and motivated, and improve your chances of success.

Spring cleaning your business is a great way to help you improve productivity, efficiency, and profitability. Use these tips and strategies to get started, and enjoy the benefits of a clean and organized business!

Did you try out some of these tips? Shoot me a DM and tell me all about it!

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About JOdi

Hi I'm Jodi and I'm going to keep it real with you. My path to get here has been a winding one. I didn't go to school for design. In fact, my degree is in psychology (more on that in a bit). Style House came to be because of my own struggles as a business owner...


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